Scholarships – Now Accepting Applications!


Rho Eta Omega Chapter was chartered on May 21, 1988. Since 1990 over $195,000 in scholarships have been awarded to students in our community.

The Annie Henderson Wood Memorial Scholarship was established in 1990 following the untimely passing of Annie Henderson Wood, charter member of Rho Eta Omega Chapter.  Mrs. Wood was a tireless, diligent and dedicated educator. She was employed as a librarian for the Richmond Public School System for a number of years. She touched and motivated students to continue on the path toward higher education. We honor her memory by naming our chapter’s scholarship in her memory.

Click here for more information and how to apply: Annie Henderson Wood Memorial Scholarship 

Margie Chrichlow Smith was the first president of Rho Eta Omega Chapter chartered on May 21, 1988. Under her leadership our first signature program, “Project YES” which stood for Youth Enrichment Services was implemented. This program served youths in grades five through eleven. It evolved into another signature program called “Ride for Knowledge”, where high school students were introduced to Historically Black Colleges and Universities first through various pre-college seminars and finally via a bus tour of various HBCUs. We celebrate her leadership by offering this scholarship.

Click here for more information and how to apply: Margie Chrichlow Smith Scholarship

Thank you for your interest in the Annie Henderson Wood Memorial and Margie Chrichlow Smith Scholarships.